Mercator - Hondius 1636

366mm x 467mm

Atlas sive Cosmographicae 1636

Atlas sive Cosmographicae

In 1636 a version of the original Atlas was produced in English, with text translated by Henry Hexham, "printed at Amsterdam by Henry Hondius and John Johnson", with revised regional plates.

The eastern England plate is now entitled: Warwicum Northamtonia Huntingdonia Cantabrigia Suffolcia Oxonium Buckinghamia Bedfordia Hartfordia Essexia Berceria Middelsexia Southatonia Surria Cantium et Southsexia. (The commas have been removed, there are spelling changes for Northants, Hants and Kent, and the ampersand has been replaced by "et".) The county names sit within an oval which is within an ornamental oval cartouche (long axis vertical). The seas are unshaded, but there is now very dark horizontal shading on the off-shore side of the coast that obscures some of the names. The North Sea is now named as Oceanus Septentrionalis, as well as Oceanus Britannicus in the English Channel off Sussex. Many towns and some villages are named in Essex (including Walden and Newport).

The map is described as the Seventh Map of England, with 2 pages of English text; London is still at 20o40' east (of the Azores), but the scales have been re-engraved: Miliaria Anglica magna 22 = 63mm (8.9 magna miles/inch), parva 20 = 50mm (10.1 parva miles/inch); the actual scale is 9.7 mls/inch, or about 1:620,000. (The Miliaria Anglica has moved to be alongside magna, instead of on top of it, but the bars themselves are essentially the same size as in 1595.) The English edition was re-issued in 1636, 1638 & 1641.

This revised version of Warwicum, ... is used by Jansson in his expanding Atlas Novus - in Latin, French, Dutch and German. Editions published include: Latin 1638 and 1646; French 1639 (and by Jacob de La Feuille after 1709); Dutch 1646 which has the regional maps plus additional county maps; German 1636 omits the regional maps, but adds some county maps (including Essex); the example shown above is from the French 1639 edition.


© Peter Walker 2013-19